Search results for '%27 and 1%3D'
MSU1203S-000-DE Sartorius Cubis, 1200g x 1mg, Black & White Graphical Display, RS-232 & USB, Pan Size 5.5 x 5.5IN, 120-240 V power supply
$6,615.00 -
MSE324P-000-DU Sartorius Cubis 80/160/320G x 0.1/0.2/0.5MG Pan Size 3.3 x 3.3IN, LCD display, 120-240 V power supply
$5,505.00 -
Sartorius CPA26P Micro, 5/211g X 0.002/0.01mg, 120VAC adapter
Ohaus EX324 Analytical, Explorer, 320 g x 0.1 mg, 120-240 VAC AC Adapter US Power Cord
$4,995.00 -
EQ-600 Equipoise Rice Lake, 600 g x 0.02 g, 120 mm platter, 120-240 VAC Auto ranging power adapter, Universal plugs, Weighing Chamber
$295.00 -
A&D EJ-4100 Compact, Newton, 41000 x 0.1g, 120V adapter
A&D EK-6000i Compact, 6000g x 1g, NTEP Class III, 120V adapter
$540.00 -
Ohaus SP402 Portable, Scout Pro, 400 X 0.01g, Battery operated - 4AA (not included), 120VAC adapter
$600.00 -
Ohaus, Compact Precision, Valor 3000 Xtreme, V31X6, 6 kg x 1 g default resolution
A&D GP-61K Industrial, 61kg x 0.1g, 120V adapter
$5,395.00 -
Ohaus CL5000 Compact, 5000g x 1g, Battery operated
$106.00 -
MSE2203S-000-DE Sartorius, Cubis, 2200g x 1mg, LCD Display, Pan Size 5.5 x 5.5IN, 120-240 V power supply
MSA1203S-000-DE Sartorius Cubis, 1200g x 1mg, TFT Color Touchscreen Display, RS-232 or USB, Pan Size 5.5 x 5.5IN, 120-240 V power supply
$7,195.00 -
MSU124S-000-DU Sartorius Cubis, 120g x 0.1mg, Black & White Graphical Display, Pan Size 3.3 x 3.3IN, 120VAC adapter
$5,345.00 -
A&D HR-250AZ Analytical, 252 x 0.0001 g, 120/240 AC Adapter, Internal Cal
QUINTIX213-1S Sartorius, 210g x 0.001g, ISOCal, Time, Date, 120-240 Adapter
$1,700.00 -
TC-6200 Rice Lake, 6200 G x 0.1G, 7 x 6.2IN Pan, 120VAC
$755.00 -
A&D EK-300i Compact, 300g x 0.01g, 120V adapter
FD3H, 6 lb x 0.0002 lb (3 kg x 0.0001 kg)
$722.00 -
Ohaus, Compact Precision, Valor 1000, V11P6, 6kg x 1 g default resolution
$210.00 -
Ohaus HH320 Hand-Held Scale, 320g x 0.1g, Battery
A&D GP-30K Industrial, 31kg x 0.1g, 120V adapter
$4,445.00 -
MSU2203S-000-DE Sartorius Cubis, 2200g x 1mg, Black & White Graphical Display, RS-232 & USB, Pan Size 5.5 x 5.5IN, 120-240V power supply
$8,780.00 -
MSE324S-000-DU Sartorius Cubis 320G x 0.1MG, Pan size 3.3 x 3.3IN LCD Display, 120-240 V power supply
MSA324P-000-DU Sartorius Cubis, 80/160/320g x 0.1/0.2/0.5mg, 120-240 V Power supply, TFT Touchscreen, RS-232and USB, SD Card Reader for Data Certificate of Compliance
$6,825.00 -
Ohaus EX124 Analytical, Explorer, 120 g x 0.1 mg, 120-240 VAC AC Adapter US Power Cord
$3,870.00 -
SECURA513-1S Sartorius, 510g x 0.001g, ISOCal, Opto-electronic Leveling, 120-240 Adapter