Search results for 'dc 150'
Ohaus V22XWE15T Compact,Valor 2000, 15 x 0.002kg (30 x 0.005lb), 120VAC adapter Internal rechargeable battery
$550.00 -
Counterpart Dual A/D, RS-232, Ethernet, Multi-ranging Power Supply with US Power Cord and Packaging
$1,025.00 -
Counterpart Single A/D, RS-232, Ethernet, Multi-ranging Power Supply with US Power Cord and Packaging
Counting DC-788 100 100 x 0.02LB, 10x13 Platter, RS-232, Remote Channel
$850.00 -
Counting DC-788 50 50 x 0,01LB, 10x13 Platter, RS-232, Remote Channel
$850.00 -
Counting DC-788 25 25 x 0.005 lb, 10x13IN Platter, RS-232, Remote Channel
Counting DC-788 10 10 x 0.002LB, 109x13 Platter, RS-232, Remote Channel
$850.00 -
Counting DC-788 2lb 2 x 0.0002LB, 7x10 Platter, RS-232, Remote Channel
$850.00 -
Rcpt Thermal DC-300 Outward Wound, 60mm Width, 40mm Core (ID), 100mm OD, Works DC-150 and DC-300
DT DC-300 60x120mm 380 LPR, Outward Wound, 40mm Core, Blank
$16.50 -
DT DC-300 60x95mm 500 LPR, Outward Wound, 40mm Core, Blank
$16.50 -
DT DC-300 60x55mm 830 LPR, Outward Wound, 40mm Core, Blank
Thermal DC-60 1-9/16 Wide, 3-15/16 OD, 7/16 Core
$20.00 -
Blank 64x77mm White Direct Thermal, 500 LPR, Small Core, Wound Out, Blank Boxes DC-150
$20.00 -
Thermal DC-60 5 Rolls/Case
DC-60 40x92mm Blank 689 LPR, Wound In, 5 Rolls/Case
$80.00 -
DC-60 40x62mm Blank 1,000 LPR, Wound In, 5 Rolls/Case
$70.00 -
DC-60 40x46mm Blank 1,200 LPR, Wound In, 5 Rolls/Case
CP-50BM Counterpart Dual Channel, 50 lb x 0.01 lb, 12 in x 18 in, Multi-Range Adaptor US Power Cord
$1,450.00 -
CP-100BM Counterpart, Dual Channel, 100 lb x 0.01 lb, 12 in x 18 in, Multi-Range Adaptor, US Power Cord
$1,450.00 -
Ohaus V22XWE3T Compact, Valor 2000, 3 x 0.0005kg (6 x 0.001lb), 120VAC adapter Internal rechargeable battery
Ohaus V22XWE6T Compact, Valor 2000, 6 x 0.001kg (15 x 0.002lb), 120VAC adapter Internal rechargeable battery
$550.00 -
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Retail Scale, Uni-3L2 Bench, LCD display, 0-15lbs x 0.005, 15-30lbs x 0.01 Integrated printer, 115 VAC Ishida
Retail Scale, Uni-3L2 Pole, LCD display, 0-15lbs x 0.005, 15-30lbs x 0.01 Integrated printer, 115 VAC Ishida
$2,464.50 -
Uni-3L1 Pole, VFD display, 0-15lbs x 0.005, 15-30lbs x 0.01 Intergrated printer, 115 VAC Ishida
$1,842.50 -
Uni-3L1 Bench, VFD display, 0-15lbs x 0.005, 15-30lbs x 0.01 Intergrated printer, 115 VAC Ishida