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BC-4000E LED Numberic Pole Display, 0-15lbs x 0.005, 15-30lbs x 0.01, Integrated Printer Ishida

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Ishida BC-4000E Scale LED Pole Display

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  • Ishida BC-4000E Scale LED Pole Display


In Depth

For the first time, premium-class preset and labeling functions are available at economy-class prices in three configurations. Choose from hanging, remote-scale base or countertop models to fit any application in your store.

Native Ethernet or optional RF connectivity enables any BC-4000 scale to be added to your existing network - helping you keep total control of all scales in the store.

Master-satellite programmability and compatibility to product management software ensures PLU and tare weight consistency throughout your operation.

Set preset buttons to represent PLUs, container tare values, label formats, images and logos. The BC-4000 series has extraordinary power at an exceptional value.

Standard Features
  • Dual-range weighing (0-15 lb x 0.005 lb/15-30 lb x 0.01 lb)
  • Static TCP/IP Ethernet communication
  • 2 MB standard memory
  • Up to 168 function keys assist with intuitive operation
  • Fast printing speed results in greater customer throughput
  • Multiple label formats for multi-department support
  • Powerful batch printing feature frees operator’s time
  • Flash ROM for remote update of application software
  • Proportional tare
  • Master satellite communication
  • Compatible with third-party communication software, including Invatron’s PLUM and ADC’s InterScale
  • Convenient side-loading label feature