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WM-Nano L Type, 15ppm, includes UNI-7 RP unit, 220VAC Ishida

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Ishida WM-Nano Tabletop Wrapper

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  • Ishida WM-Nano Tabletop Wrapper


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Reduce operator fatigue and increase production with the world’s first tabletop wrapper. The WM-Nano is the ideal solution for grocers and markets with limited space needing high performance and consistent wrapping.

The generous in-feed accommodates trays up to 9 inches x 12 inches, wraps up-to 7.5 pound packs, and uses poly or PVC wrapping film in widths from 16 to 22 inches.

The WM-Nano employs the power and flexibility of the Ishida Uni-7 RP, with color touch screen, integrated printer, and Wi-Fi to provide wireless data communication all wrapped up in one super tabletop wrapper.

Standard Features
  • 7-inch color LCD touch screen with backlight and positive input response
  • Dual-range weighing (0-15 lb x 0.005 lb/15-30 lb x 0.01 lb)
  • Front-load label cassettes
  • Internal wireless communications, 802.11 b/g
  • Ethernet communications
  • Up to 99 pages of speed keys
  • Adjustable touchscreen viewing angle
  • 77 tactile keys
  • 2 MB expandable to 2GB
  • 30+ selectable fixed bar code formats
  • Compatible with third-party communication software, including Invatron’s PLUM and ADC’s InterScale